
Co Founder + Specialised Women’s Yoga Teacher

Haylee specialises in women-centred yoga and has undertaken several trainings including Vinyasa, Kriya, Yin Yoga, Myofascial release, pregnancy and postpartum yoga. Haylee is a dedicated student and practitioner of the classical Tantrik path, which forms the foundations of her philosophical approach to teaching yoga.

Haylee’s passion for women’s health and well-being is evident in the way that she teaches and holds space for women of all ages and at different stages of life.

Haylee’s favourite style of yoga to teach and to practice is Shakti Flow as she loves a holistic practice, moving beyond just the physical body, but encompassing all layers of the Self including the energy, emotional and spiritual.

Haylee teaches yoga in a way that is deeply feminine, creative, powerful and connected. In Haylee’s classes, you can expect a whole-body experience, uniting the breath, body, mind and spirit.

Co-Founder + Specialised Women’s Yoga Teacher

Hayley completed her first yoga teacher training in Townsville in 2019 and specialises in women’s yoga, vinyasa flow, yin yoga & myofascial release, restorative yoga, meditation and pre & post-natal yoga. She started practicing yoga around 10 years ago as a holistic approach to healing from stress and anxiety.

Hayley grew up in country Victoria and is a first time Mum to her 2 year old daughter. Her personal yoga practice has transformed over the years and has supported her significantly in her transition from Maiden to Mother. As an embodied yoga teacher, Hayley is devoted to a daily sadhana (personal practice) that combines yoga asana, pranayama, mantra and meditation.

When it comes to teaching, Hayley loves the flexibility and creativity that comes with flow yoga. In Hayley’s classes you will get a full mind, body and breath experience that is deeply feminine and nourishing on all levels.

Hayley’s yoga practices allow women to feel safe & supported and connected to oneself. Her teachings come from her heart. She guides you in a way that you can go deep within, peel back the layers and unravel the feeling of love and gratitude that is within your own heart.

Specialised Women’s Yoga Teacher

Annie is a specialised women’s yoga teacher with her trainings coming from the Hatha, Kundalini and Tantric traditions She is also trained in yin yoga and myofascial release, and yoga for women at all phases of the lifecycle including prenatal yoga.

Annie began practicing yoga as a way to tune into her body and was naïve to how deeply it would change her life.

“My practice has taught me and continues to teach me about myself by allowing me to listen, acknowledge, heal, and grow. To me, yoga is also about connection; connection to ourselves, to community, and to the natural world around us.”

Annie undertook yoga teacher training to learn more about the practices that had become central to her life.

“The wisdom that I gained allowed me to understand yoga more deeply and articulate my experiences so that I could share them with others. My core passion for teaching yoga comes from my belief that yoga can heal us and that in turn, this can enable healing in the natural world to which we are intimately and innately connected”.

Yin yoga teacher

Dani is a yin yoga and meditation teacher and offers a variety of holistic healing modalities such as reiki, breathwork, sound healing, cacao ceremonies and Lomilomi massage.

Dani’s love for yin yoga stemmed from living an extremely busy lifestyle and feeling the affects of burn out and the need to slow down in life.

Dani has a passion for helping women connect deeper to themselves; to heal and get to know themselves on a soul level.

Vinyasa, Yin & Restorative Yoga Teacher

Corrie first completed Yoga Teaching Training in November 2021 and specialises in Vinyasa, Yin, Trauma Aware Yoga, Meditation and Hawaiian Temple Styles of Massage for Women. Corrie first discovered Yoga at the age of 19 where she recalled experiencing a profound sense of calm and peace in the mind that was unfamiliar and welcomed her to journey through practicing many styles of Yoga.

Corrie grew up in Brisbane and moved with her partner and two children to Townsville in 2018. Her personal practices have evolved to focus on safe ‘mindful movements’ and ‘connecting deeply within’ through daily breathwork, asana movement & meditation practices that provides a sense of clarity and purpose in all realms of life.

When it comes to teaching, Corrie loves guiding Restorative and Yin Yoga to help soothe the nervous system with a chance to slow down, and to turn ‘inward’ with others in our Yoga community to bring more kindness & care into the day.

Corrie’s warm and gentle style of teaching supports women to feel safe and ‘be curious’ to develop a greater sense of mind-body connection and ease stressors or anxiety that can accumulate over time.

Vinyasa Yoga Teacher

Rachael is a qualified vinyasa yoga teacher and women’s circle facilitator.

“I have always felt a calling towards yoga, and in 2016 I answered this call and began attending classes. My mind was blown by the amazing benefits I received on and off the mat from this incredible ancient practice, both in mind and body. I felt less stressed, more present and more connected to my breathe the more I practiced.

A few years later I felt another calling to share this amazing practice with as many people as I can and teach. I completed a yoga teacher training and I feel so blessed to be able to share this practice.

As having an extremely yin personality I have always felt a deep connection in helping and healing women. In my yoga classes I create a safe and sacred space for women to truly be themselves and feel comfortable in their own practice and bodies. I am also a women’s circle Facilitator, as I believe it is so important for women to gather together to feel empowered by their shakti female energy.”