Women’s Gatherings

Our Women’s Gatherings are an opportunity to come together as women each month in a supportive and safe space to connect and share.

A gathering
of celebration

Celebration of cycles

Embracing cyclical rhythms.
Each month will have a different theme to work
in alignment with the rhythmic nature of life.

Celebration of community

Experience the power of coming together as women. To share our truths. To be witnessed and heard, without judgment. To feel the strength and support that we crave in our hearts.

Celebration of connection

Connection to nature.
Connection to self.
Connection to others.

Celebration of the Divine Feminine

A safe space to show up as we are and ALL that we are. To share our truths. To be witnessed and heard, without judgment.

Community experiences

“A place to feel whole, heard and seen. Delicious practices, nourishment, creativity, floral blooms, mindfulness, mantra + the opportunity to share in circle.”

— Alina

“I feel supported and welcome in this space. Teachers are warm and welcoming, accommodating to all women.”

— Vera

Let’s celebrate the transitions of our inner cycles and seasons as women.