Connecting to our sacred nature

“Once we start to work with Feminine power, we begin to see that it is not our minds that are in control of this power – it ebbs and flows with the movements of the planets, the procession of the seasons, the moons and tides, and our own internal cycles of menstruality.

We learn that they are all part of the same process.

We open towards the energy, rather than shut down to it.

We learn to trust the flow.”

The cycles and seasons

Step into the sacred space of House of Shakti, where our yoga practices guide women on a profound journey of connection with their internal cycles and the ever-changing seasons, harmonising with the rhythms of nature. Within our business, we hold a deep reverence for women at every phase of life.

Inspired by our own ancestral lineage, we weave the wisdom of the Wheel of the Year into our offerings, creating a bridge that intimately connects our internal cycles with nature's cyclical rhythms. Rooted in earth-based spiritual practices, women-centric spiritualities and Neopagan and Wiccan traditions, this interconnectedness becomes a guiding principle for our yogic offerings.

The eight Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year not only mirror life's cyclical nature within us and the natural world, but serve as gateways to archetypal energies. Through our yoga offerings, we work with these archetypes, aligning our practices with the Maiden, Mother, Maga, and Crone qualities. This intentional alignment allows women to attune to nature's profound rhythms, fostering a deeper connection with the external world and aligning with her internal rhythms. The Wheel of the Year becomes a transformative framework to recognise and embrace the unique energies and wisdom inherent in each phase of a woman's life.

Our yoga practices will connect you to the phases of the moon, the time of the day, the menstrual cycle and the feminine archetypes. Movement, breath, meditation, mantra, yogic philosophy, and reflection become powerful avenues for aligning with internal cycles and drawing inspiration from the natural world.

Much like nature's cycles of growth, abundance, decay, death, and rebirth, our practices encourage women to reflect on their personal journeys. We invite a deep acknowledgment of the cyclical nature of life, fostering a continuous process of renewal and self-discovery. House of Shakti is more than a space to practice yoga; it's a sanctuary where the cycles within us are revered, celebrated, and woven into the fabric of our collective journey.